Sisters are doing it for themselves
My blog today is in celebration of women who inspire me with their energy passion and creativity.
Becoming a mother, wondrous though it is, throws up a conundrum for those women who have spent their 20s battling their way up the career ladder. It’s hard to go from full on career chick to mother hen. Once you have got to grips with those crazy things called babies you are kind of left thinking what about me? my brain? my ambition? my much depleted bank account? Will I ever own a pair of Manolo Blahniks?
Of course it’s not as simple as popping your babes into your briefcase and hopping back on the rung you left, and actually nor would many of us honestly want to do this. Juggling full time mothering with full time work is no fun. Unless you are lucky enough to be able to work your old career around your children (and you need a major support team to be able to do that) or have a partner who elects to stay at home, what to do?
This is where women get brilliant; unleashing their innate creativity, communication and marvellous mutli-tasking skills for which us womankind are renowned and actually doing the things they really wanted to do in the first place. The result are businesses that are not only successful but also work round their families with awe inspiring aplomb.
I have heaps of examples, but two examples from friends of mine who totally rock my world are my best friend Bianca’s business www.thebespokegiftcompany.co.uk whose stunning products have been reviewed by Fern and Phil on ‘This Morning’ and my friend Claire’s company www.unstuck-thinking.co.uk where she has developed, amongst other things a fusion of dance music and hypnotherapy on the go to help women achieve their life goals and get fit at the same time. It's called 'hypnogogo' and is launching on i-tunes soon.
Please do check them both out
Well as most of you know, I am a total advocate of working mums in the workplace - whether that's the corporate workplace or one of their own devising. What really disappoints me more than anything is the great loss of talent which most businesses experience as they fail to accommodate the needs of their army of working mums. This usually happens after child number two. They are missing out on such a lot. As evidenced by the success of so many businesses set up by same.