Friday, 29 October 2010
To Autumn

Thursday, 28 October 2010
Gym Membership
Join a gym, the benefits are endless.
X-Fact-or Fiction?

But this is not the only show or indeed form of media which plays on tricking the audience. Even the beauty adverts in the X-Factor ad-breaks are rammed full of enhanced beautiful people, projecting idealised women which we all aspire to be like. We forget that these people are not actually like this in real life; they are portraying a false reality to the audience, but one which we stupidly believe in. Bearing this in mind, can we really blame the X-Factor for their awful attempts of miming and dubbing or are they just keeping up-to-date with the idealistic times?
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
What do you get when you cross live comedy with social media?

Nope? I’m not sure either, and I was there. Adam Hills uses the audience as his source of content (as we are far more interesting than celebs…hmmm). Whilst parts of the show were quite funny, with the occasional numpty being ridiculed, watching ‘our Adam’ tweeting to get responses to his set took it too far. If I had wanted to watch someone on their phone I’d have sat in carphone warehouse – although I’d still not have escaped being ridiculed no doubt!
The point made here is that there’s a time and a place for tweets – and this wasn’t it, for as one sharp witted soul exclaimed ‘why don’t you just ask us? A great point, since we’d all paid £25 for the honour and felt rather short changed. At least we all clubbed towards his phone bill for the duration of his tour.Monday, 25 October 2010
Tim, don't do it!
I dare you to watch this without feeling a little queasy, especially as Tim cockily declares ‘she’s here’ to Sophia’s ‘what time is she coming?’ yuk yuk yuk.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Notes from a small island

So bad it's good ?!?

Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Please don't interrupt me!!!!

I'm getting so fed up and cross with the abundance of unwanted pop up windows now appearing on the internet.
Monday, 18 October 2010
I feel I must be getting old and need to join the.........

Friday, 15 October 2010
The cure for the common blog

Now our Woodreed blog is open to the outside world will it change the way we blog and what we blog about?
Can I, for example, talk about the sublime scene in this week's Mad Men where Peggy called the bluff of her abrasive new art director and they found themselves stark naked brainstorming new creative concepts for Vicks? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdKSDqo9FaU Can I ponder whether that approach would ever see the light of day at Woodreed - Jodie and Dave any thoughts? Or would I be venturing perilously close to employee litigation? On second thoughts......
Or could I dare comment upon the wannabee creative from the same episode who'd hopefully recycled one tired and hackneyed line across endless ads in his book: The cure for the common bank, the cure for the common chair, the cure for the common beer ... What agency would ever do such a thing?
Or should I be more business like and simply muse about how I'll be feeling this time next week? Once Charlotte and I have presented our masterclass on the power of brand as a tool for employee engagement to 200 delegates at The Travel Convention in Malta? What's really excited me putting that together with Charlotte has been the power of our presentation. It really is the culmination of so much great insight and experience - so will we inspire or will we be ....?
I'll let you know next week.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
A pack of lies

Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Just do it....

It’s lovely when you spot a campaign that is so in tune with a brand’s essence. It’s lovely for it not to be awash with product, product, product. It’s lovely seeing it executed so simply (we’ll overlook the heavy retouching), yet for it to still evoke the very essence of the brand and the reaction it’s begging for…makes me want to get my trainers on and just head East (well nearly…)
Monday, 11 October 2010
Speaking the right language

Now there’s not a lot of things that can make me burst out into hysterical laughter on a Monday night but the genius and utterly brilliant Inbetweeners on E4 is one of them. For those who don’t know the show revolves around 4 boys enduring the angst, embarrassment and awkwardness that are the latter teenage years. From Will’s witty retorts to every gruelling put down, Neil’s perpetual dimness, Simon’s complete inadequacy at everything and Jay’s barrage of exaggerations, lies and apparent nymphomania, it really is pure gold.
I believe its utter brilliance is borne out of the fact that it is, well, spot on. My husband and friends love it, the buzz around facebook before and after each episode says it all – it strikes a cord with all of us. Though sure, a bit exaggerated at times, it does depict the way the guys I went to school/college talk, behaved and communicated. The constant put downs, vulgar innuendos and never ending teasing about each others mums, it’s perfectly observed. They’ve nailed their target audience and consequently landed themselves a winner. A brilliant example of how understanding and engaging with your audience can establish a loyal, enthusiastic and devoted fan-base.
I can bet though that my mum, nan and many other people I know just wouldn’t get it and would think it was most probably ghastly, disgusting and nothing but darn right rude. Indeed you may be one of them. But that’s the joy of it.
Sunday, 10 October 2010
When Ads ring true.
It is rare that I see an ad that rings true. When I first saw the Foster ad ‘Good Call’ I laughed out load. A short while later I realised how true it is. I was at a party one weekend which was fueled with good spirits and nice fluorescent makeup due to having been at Gay Pride all day! Like most parties there were a few unknown appearances. I soon found myself cornered with a genuinely nice guy who was a ‘space invader’. I started to get more annoyed as I backed away so much that I ran out of floor space and found the wall against my back! There was no immediate rescue for me as I looked around the room for a friend to read my eye signals to come and take me away. I then suddenly remembered the advert and started laugh. A truly good advert is one you can actually relate and bring it into really social situation.
Friday, 8 October 2010
Looking into the eyes of souls

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Tuesday, 5 October 2010
It's all about teamwork!
8.50am and I was ready to go! Up came the "click here to place your deposit" page (10 minutes ahead of schedule). I couldn't believe my luck, "this is going to be a breeze" I thought. Turns out I wasn't the only one getting a head start.
1 hour later and I was STILL on the "oops! we cannot display this site" page from hell. I knew (although I wouldn't admit it out loud) that things were not looking good! About another hour in a call from my bro gave me a little ray of hope. They had a whole booking syndicate going so we got on board!
Nearly 4 hours after I first "clicked here", now armed with 5 strangers' registration details, I was back in a queue and going nowhere. But even with the remaining count dropping by the second I felt a million times better than I did that first hour. I knew I wasn't in it alone now. Then I got the call, a friend of a friend of my brother had confirmed our deposits!
So long story short, I'll be back at Worthy Farm in June but not without a good reminder of the power of teamwork! So it will be all hands on deck come the re-sale in June!
Monday, 4 October 2010
Your airline's either got it or it hasn't!!!

Friday, 1 October 2010
Laura Ashley on acid

I just don't get it.
It's twee, indulgent, soppy, wet, slushy, nauseatingly smug and just too simperingly girly for words. It's formulaic, unimaginative, derivative and girls you're being played for fools. Get some edge about you and have some individuality.
It's Laura Ashley on acid. And I hated that too, but I didn't have an outlet to rant on.
Do me a favour all you fans, dress yourselves from head to toe in CK, including the obligatory apron and wellies of course, take hold of the hands of your over-indulged, spoilt little fashion appendages (that's the offspring by the way) step into your CK wallpapered and accessorised kitchen and, bingo, with a bit of luck disappear from my view forever.