Dutch airline KLM is testing allowing passengers to pick who they'll be seated next to by using Facebook and Linkedin profiles. Passengers have to opt-in to share their info and can then see where others who've also shared their profiles are seated so they can choose their preferred flight buddy.

And it goes further. Hawaiian Airlines, amongst others, use 'Satisfly' software to seat flyers 'intelligently' according to their preferred choice from four options - 'business networking', 'social networking' (I think that used to be known as 'being amenable to the person next to you'), 'business alone' or 'relax alone'.
My choice? On occasions when I fly alone, which is almost always on business, it comes as a welcome relief from the usual trials and stresses of travelling with kids. The joy of an uninterrupted film and a well-mixed Martini!
Anyway I'm not sure I like the idea of being sought out as the ideal flight partner, or worse still, horror of horrors, being rejected as unsuitable and of insufficient interest - socially or professionally. Haven't most of us only just got over the anguish of school sports teams selection? Where do they put the no-hopers that no-one wants to sit next to? All along the back row next to the galley and the toilets? No thank you.
Agreed, it's completely ridiculous. When I'm on a flight whether it's business or pleasure, I want settle back, relax and contemplate my own time. The thought of having to contemplate a conversation with someone I have never met would make me twitchy to say the least. Whether it be a good book, a magazine, music or any other media, that's for me....and sling in a large gin and tonic for good measure!!! Cheers