Monday, 31 January 2011
A truly beautiful singer......

Saturday, 29 January 2011
Even the dire can inspire

Friday, 28 January 2011
And you want to be paid?

Just need to have a rant, and I will be fine again...
I still find it extraordinary how some customers (me) are treated.
I called up a company to come and fix an aerial point to our house - 30mins after their agreed calling time, I rang to find out where they were - I got the usual fob offs, and he turned up another 25 mins late - no apology - just blamed someone else. Cost of service £100
In a cab, the driver took the totally wrong route, was speaking to his mate on the mobile and had the heating on sub-arctic, the dared charge me £14 for what should be a £4 fare. Cost of taxi (negotiated) £8
In Boots waiting to pick up some photographs on the hour service. I return after 55mins to be told they haven't put them in and can I come back an hour later still! Cost of prints £8.50.
The sheer gall, and ever increasing blatant disregard to customer service is something that Mr Harry Gordon Selfridge Snr esq would be turning in his grave over. It is little wonder that people are trying to spend less - not so much because of the economy, but down to the fact punters are becoming less satisfied with the service they receive. But this does play into the hands of those who offer a premium service - word of mouth, increased and loyal custom - happy days.
We call it the Service Profit Chain - or if you like, doing business the correct way!
Thursday, 27 January 2011
January Blues
Monday, 24 January 2011
The Woodreed proposition in practice

The company in this case were Pilot – the female fast fashion clothes brand . In a mission to uncover why one of the outlets was underperforming Mary took it upon herself to go undercover with a camcorder, interview shoppers and spent time with the employees. The crux of the problem was revealed – the staff were completely unmotivated, no thought or planning had gone into sharing the company vision with them and they had no reason to be evangelists of the brand. The result? Poor sales and a dire customer experience from start to finish.
Once this was established Mary got to work – trained the girls in the art of customer service, got them excited about their roles and importantly involved the MD so he could inspire and lead them. The changing rooms were kitted out and the place tided up but the key difference was that the staff now cared about their company – they felt proud, excited and inspired to be there which had a direct and positive impact on performance.
It’s a great example of the Woodreed proposition at work...your internal audience is just as important as your outside one and your employees are customers too – ignore them at your peril. Take the time to understand them, their mindset and their understanding of your values. Develop an effective internal communications strategy that flows from the top seamlessly around the company and most importantly what we would add is ensure that brand is at the heart of all this. Make sure what you say you are is what your people say you are. Then there’s no stopping you.
Friday, 21 January 2011
One in a Million
I would like to credit this blog to someone who I believe deserves it. There are few people in this world that you can really say are a lovely person. An honest person who takes pleasure in helping and making others happy. Well we have the pleasure of one of them here in the Pantiles, Tunbridge wells.
You may have heard of the heavy snow fall we had during December. Almost a foot of snow reached us in only a few days and stayed around for a while. This of course caused chaos, people fleeing from work half way through the day trying to get home before they were stuck. Amongst all this we had someone who was looking out for us making sure everyone had half a chance to get home. I ran to my car and Frank the car park attendant was digging the cars out and brushing the snow of the windscreens. He is such a happy, cheeky chappy. He always wishes you good morning and cracks a light hearted joke to make you smile before you start work. There he was working until the last hours jump starting cars and helping anyone he could. After a few days of him being our saviour I asked him why he did it, his response was “I like my job, why not help someone and make them happy. Because of my job I can help someone get home to their family, that’s got to be worth it hay.”
It’s really refreshing to hear such genuine kindness and consideration. So from me, a regular patron, thank you very much Frank. Hopefully all your kindness will one day be repaid.
Wednesday, 19 January 2011

The end of the affair
My Blackberry and I underwent a trial separation last week. It wasn’t him, it was me. (It really was me, I left him at my parents)
After the initial panic has subsided I decided to use it a bit of a personal social experiment. I had been thinking for a while how ridiculously reliant I had become on it - My blackberry, my crutch, my technological cigarette. And with no blackberryette patch as yet on the market, there was no other route available - I just needed to go cold turkey.
And you know what? In a way not dissimilar to when I gave up proper smoking another lifetime ago, it felt really quite liberating. The freedom to not be endlessly texting, tweeting, emailing, inexplicability checking the facebook status of some girl I worked with a million years ago who now lives in Belgium who I never really liked in the first place.
During our 4 days apart, I went to meet a friend in Brixton on the train. All I did the whole way up was read…an actual book made of paper and everything. I was alone with my book and my thoughts, not connected to anyone at any time. It felt quite naughty like I’d run away. I was totally opt-out. No-one could contact me I had all the power.
There was one annoying moment where I needed to call my Brixton playdate and let her know I was early and had the indignity of actually having to using a public phone box (surely the exclusive preserve of the drug dealer these days?), but apart from that it was brilliant.
We are back together again. We are happy but frankly it’s not the same. He’s stopped sleeping in my room and we are seriously thinking about discussing whether we will go on holiday together this year or if he’ll be home alone. It’s not all over for blackberry and me, but I have certainly redefined the terms of our relationship, he needed to know who was boss after all.
Well done Ricky!!!!!

Tuesday, 18 January 2011
'Knowledge is Power'
Monday, 17 January 2011
Roll up! Roll up! Roll up!

Thursday, 13 January 2011
Here comes the bride...

On Saturday 18th Dec I looked out my window and watched the falling snow cover the streets. Nick, my family and I were due to leave for Scotland on the Sunday for a magical week away. We were going to get married and spend Christmas there.
Despite loving the snow, this was at its most dangerous. And it wasn’t stopping.
We had been taking calls all day from our parents and family asking us to be prepared to cancel the wedding. We decided to stay calm and carry on.
Conditions worsened but we got there in one piece!
However, the conversation with our trusted registrar brought us back to reality. Despite assuring us that she would be there whatever the weather, she now warned us that she would only be there if the weather allowed her.
My wedding party assumed I was calm, but I was intensely traumatized.
Planning my wedding was a real test of character and I'm glad that I passed that test. I managed to get through it without stressing anybody out or having a tantrum.
It was about Nick and I working as a team, together remaining positive and determined to have the best day of our lives, whatever.
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Inspirational Mum
It may seem rather odd that I have chosen my Mother to blog about – but since her fabulous and humbling Thanksgiving Service at the majestic Chichester Cathedral, it has dawned on me just how inspiring she was. Not content with schooling in beautiful Blackpool, she went on to study at Liverpool University. Doesn’t seem too impressive in itself, but when you consider this was on the cusp of the end of WW2, it puts this single-mindedness and commitment into perspective.
After being wooed by my Dad (and she made him work for it!) she dutifully followed him around the country, and in course, raised 4 fabulous children (from Shrewsbury to Chichester via Truro). In those days, it was the men who worked, and the women brought up the family. I don’t think she bore a grudge to this, but as soon as she felt able, she embarked on her personal crusades.
She turned her hand to local politics and became a City and District Councillor, was elected Mayor of Chichester in 1994, was Chairperson for the W.Sussex National Institute for the Blind and RSPCC, was always involved with the community and was responsible for the twinning of Chichester with Ravenna. She visited HK to drum up business for the College of Technology where she lectured communications and taught French and was Chair of the Graduate Womens Society.
She taught me that you just need to apply yourself to things, for them to happen.
She read the paper everyday and insisted the radio was a highly under-rated form of information.
She also taught me never to take on a German Shepherd with nothing but a canvassing form in your hand!
She was the most inspiring lady I have had the pleasure to know, to love and call my Mum.
Monday, 10 January 2011
Spot the difference

I came across this rather interesting juxtaposition of articles the other day...
It got me recalling a few years back when MySpace was all the rage and Facebook was its inferior, less popular competition. It just goes to show how quickly the tide can turn and trends and brands shift in our minds and our usage. I think at the heart of this is the continual effort made by Facebook to keep things fresh - adding new features and keeping it relevant to its audience. It appears MySpace is just withering away as it is no longer innovative or appealing. An interesting lesson in the importance of not letting your brand go stagnant I feel.
Thursday, 6 January 2011

But thanks to a considerable amount of PR the loyal listeners to Radio 4's everday tale of country folk were hyped up fit to burst in anticipation of the bumper episode on Sunday January 2nd. And most surprisingly for what you'd
I prefer reading and feeling books.