Please take time to study the picture above.
It was taken when four of us spent a memorable day in France last Wednesday,
When we arrived, we loaded up with wine, then went to the Carrefour and purchased a selection of French rustic pates, cheeses and freshly baked french bread. We then dawdled down the coastal road to Cap Gris Nez, a beautiful spot on top a cliff with the most marvelous panoramic views of the Channel and Calais.
With the weather at its best we ceremoniously set up the most delightful picnic with travel rugs and other picnic accessories and settled down to an afternoon of sun, chat and French food.
I contentedly surveyed the scene before me and was astonished to see a P&O ferry flying through the sky! "What's in this wine? I thought. It actually didn't make any visual sense. Upon analysis I then realized because of the slight mist that the sea and sky had merged together.
In no time at all another ferry-plane appeared going in the opposite direction and I gulped as I thought there was going potentially to be a mid air/sea collision