I came back to reality just as quickly as I had left. In such a small fraction of time I had been transported to what I thought had been a distant memory, all because of a smell that I had unconsciously associated with that holiday. I was astonished at how this perfume had been so powerful at playing with and affecting my mind.
It emphasised for me how influenced we are by our surroundings; how our senses are able to interact with out conscious and unconscious minds on levels we cannot always anticipate. I could not help but link this to today's media industry, specifically the control that advertising can have on its audience. Whether by using a song, a picture, a celebrity or a colour (but to name a few examples) in a similar way to the perfume I smelt that day, these factors can deliberately become powerful tools of emotional stimulation, and when used really well, can make an advert one that can never be forgotten.