
hello – come in and make yourself at home

The Woodies have a blog. It’s a kind of collective. Not sure we’re about to start a revolution baby, but we might kindle a small debate or two and perhaps raise a smile. Anyway, rather than just blogging corporate Woodreed by fielding our top Woodie (as so many other companies seem to do in a thinly veiled attempt at impressing with their profundity), we wanted all our individual voices to be heard. An agency’s most valuable assets are its people after all. Everyone’s got something to say here and with us everyone’s ideas and opinions matter.

Each week someone different will be blogging. It's mostly about stuff that rocks our world as well as the flipside – the things that just don't cut it with us. We'll blog about inside and outside – inside this glorious industry where we work and outside in the real world.
It's a bit of an experiment, so go with us on this one.

Hope you enjoy.

Thursday 2 September 2010

Stopping me in my tracks

It's not often I am quite literally stopped in my tracks by a shop window display but this giant pack of Imodium, better known for its ability to stop other things, had me doing just that the other day.

I was walking at a pace from the railway station to my car (so what's new?), past the pharmacy window.

The promotional flash caught my eye. I retraced my steps. I re-read the message.

I re-read the message again. The penny dropped.

But I couldn't get out of my mind the unintended message I'd initially read. And what was that? I'll leave you to work it out.

The unintended consequences of dodgy typography delivered a subliminal message which in my mind, but luckily not my mouth, will forever be associated with the product in question.


  1. I love it! I have an image of your face as you re-read it Jo, haha.
