But one little trick that I have recently discovered that can help kick start this process is flowers.
The emotional benefits of flowers are illuminating. I never really gave it much thought until Valentine’s Day when I received a bouquet of flowers to my work. They sat on my desk all week projecting their vibrant colours and summer fragrances. They radiated joy and positivity and somehow those qualities transferred not just onto me but everyone else, I’m certain that I felt more optimistic and happy.
This prompted me to look into whether there is any research that suggests flowers have emotional benefits and voila, there is. Research shows that flowers have a positive impact on emotional health, which helps relieve stress, illness, and depression. They have an immediate impact on happiness and long-term positive effects on mood.
Since discovering this little fact I have ensured that flowers become a permanent feature in my office, they don’t cost much and the benefits are conclusive.
So if you need a little pick me up in your office invest in some daffodils in spring, they will make a difference.