Interesting to see recently how two different councils are approaching behaviour change campaigns.
Our own illustrious council ran a campaign recently to encourage people to bin their chewing gum. The ad features a frankly alarming c1980 illustration of a giant hand thrusting towards the unsuspecting potential gum litterer telling us to “bin it” or pay loadsa money (£80 to be precise)
Perhaps they should have wised up on behavioural economics as ‘The power of now’ principle frequently shows that immediate outcomes outweigh future or delayed outcomes. Take speeding cameras for example. Studies show that a smiley face as a reward for keeping within the speed limit (or a frown for not) is more effective than the threat of a fine weeks down the line.
10 out of 10 for one London council then, as they are about to launch a trial of talking bins that reward their good citizens with a verbal pat on the back from a variety of celebs. Forgive them their rubbish (sorry) choice of celebrities - Phil Tufnell and Amanda Holden are rumored to have been lined up, (although I can’t imagine most celebs being that chuffed when they get the call from their agents to say "hey buddy, crack out the Bolly - you've just gone and landed yourself a job as a talking bin") at least they are giving BE a good old go.
PS I am now chuckling imaging where this could be taken – a Bin Laden “Thanks for your rubbish Infidel”, a whole pavement rigged with the voice, of say, John McEnroe alarmed to go off on dog poo impact “You cannot be serious” or Mr T from the A Team “Get your poo off my pavement fool” oh I could go on all day….
This one could run and run. Suggestions? Vic Reeves saying thank you "in the grub style" perhaps? Jimmy Carr "8 out of 10 cats prefer this bin" or Russell Brand "swines" or even Julie Andrews "the bins are alive, with the sound of music"....