Up until a couple of years ago, I had a steam driven Mobile - it could text, make and even receive calls (if on top of a tall building)! The came my first i-phone. I vowed it wouldn't change me, but blimey, did it ever. Now I haven't fully fallen into the app trap whereby my evenings are totally taken up fiddling with new puzzles and creating new photos, but it's close.
Hipstamatic - a great app for getting that 70's feel to your photos - you know, the orange and soft feeling shots for those old enough to know the 70's...
Then there's Endomondo - fantastic for nerdy tracking of how far you've cycled, at what speed and at what splits times...
and finally there is Fotofitti - be your own Banksy at the touch of a button.
Now, for 69p I think you get excellent V.F.M and much as I loved my Heath Robinson Nokia, I can't do without a good app!
Remember life before the app? Most certainly. My first mobile phone, a carphone actually (almost the size of a warehouse now I come to think of it) came complete with a curly flex just like a proper telephone and was actually installed in my car behind the hand brake. Could only use it when the ignition was on. Then we had an actual mobile the size of a housebrick with a pull out arial and a battery pack the size and weight of a car battery. Happy days....