Brand of brothers
Is it just me or is politics super exciting these days?
It’s like a brilliantly cast soap opera with all the complexity of characterisation and glimpses into the human condition and foibles that you could ask for.
We began with the gripping expenses scandal that rocked the H’s of P, followed closely by the edge of your seat election results and the will he won’t he drama of Brown’s resignation. Even Queeny’s been on the scene and she only usually gets unfurled at Christmas these days. Just when I thought I couldn’t get enough of witnessing the burgeoning love affair between the double C’s (Cammy and Cleggy) along come the battle of the Millibands – joy joy joy. Oh what a brave new world we are in.
With my marketing head on, I have been equally as fascinated with how the two parties of the coalition have had to reposition themselves, adjust their messages and try to work out what they say and how to the electorate. Never been that bothered about door step campaigners until recently when a chirpy Lib Dem chappy came a knocking. All he wanted to do was canvas (pot holes, street light etc), all I wanted to do was to ask him how he was grappling with the new (sub?) brand that is LibCon / ConLib and if he thought Florence Cameron looked more like Dave or Sam (that bit was a joke)
Also, now Ed is in (was Ed David’s David or David’s Goliath? Hmm) how is he going to position himself and his party? Embrace brands and work the media a la Blair with an Alistair Campbell side kick in place like a media savvy Robin or eschew comme Brown and pay the price? What brand will he become and who will help him position it and what model will New new old Labour use? Ooooh just too exciting.
i agree, but i like it when it all goes wrong, usually by the intervention of the media or some invasive TV lampoon programme. Do you remember Spitting Image's lampoon of David Owen with a tiny little David Steel in his suit pocket? David Steel was never the same again, his political career ruined in 30 seconds! Just imagine Spitting Image getting hold of he present political hoodlums!!!