
hello – come in and make yourself at home

The Woodies have a blog. It’s a kind of collective. Not sure we’re about to start a revolution baby, but we might kindle a small debate or two and perhaps raise a smile. Anyway, rather than just blogging corporate Woodreed by fielding our top Woodie (as so many other companies seem to do in a thinly veiled attempt at impressing with their profundity), we wanted all our individual voices to be heard. An agency’s most valuable assets are its people after all. Everyone’s got something to say here and with us everyone’s ideas and opinions matter.

Each week someone different will be blogging. It's mostly about stuff that rocks our world as well as the flipside – the things that just don't cut it with us. We'll blog about inside and outside – inside this glorious industry where we work and outside in the real world.
It's a bit of an experiment, so go with us on this one.

Hope you enjoy.

Friday, 29 October 2010

To Autumn

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness!
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run;
To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For Summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells.

I couldn't begin to match Keats for his poetry so I won't even try. But imagine how dull it would be to live in a country with no seasons? Autumn touches every one of my senses - the wonderful richness of the colours, the unbelievable sweetness of the pears scrumped from the orchard, the faint smell of woodsmoke in the air, the touch of the rough skinned russet (and when did you last see one of them in the supermarket?) and the crunch of leaves underfoot. Truly inspiring.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Gym Membership

I've been working hard at the gym for over a year. Not only does it clear my head and help me to relax, it has, on more than one occasion helped me to discover the 'big idea.' More importantly I'm loving my body right now, which is why I'm up for doing a 'Peggy' from Mad Men. I wonder just how effective a brainstorming session would be without clothes on...

Join a gym, the benefits are endless.

X-Fact-or Fiction?

As with most recent Monday mornings, the conversation topic between the girls at Woodreed this week turned to the almighty reality show that is the X-Factor. Yes we are all totally hooked by it once again, and who could blame us?! Who isn't? However, this week it wasn't all completely positive; did Mr Bublé or even Cheryl actually sing or were they miming and WHY is the group performance COMPLETELY mimed each week without fail? Is this not meant to be a talent show, in which we are supposed to judge their actual talent rather than one which is enhanced? Were they hoping we wouldn't notice? Well, we did.
But this is not the only show or indeed form of media which plays on tricking the audience. Even the beauty adverts in the X-Factor ad-breaks are rammed full of enhanced beautiful people, projecting idealised women which we all aspire to be like. We forget that these people are not actually like this in real life; they are portraying a false reality to the audience, but one which we stupidly believe in. Bearing this in mind, can we really blame the X-Factor for their awful attempts of miming and dubbing or are they just keeping up-to-date with the idealistic times?

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

What do you get when you cross live comedy with social media?

Nope? I’m not sure either, and I was there. Adam Hills uses the audience as his source of content (as we are far more interesting than celebs…hmmm). Whilst parts of the show were quite funny, with the occasional numpty being ridiculed, watching ‘our Adam’ tweeting to get responses to his set took it too far. If I had wanted to watch someone on their phone I’d have sat in carphone warehouse – although I’d still not have escaped being ridiculed no doubt!

The point made here is that there’s a time and a place for tweets – and this wasn’t it, for as one sharp witted soul exclaimed ‘why don’t you just ask us? A great point, since we’d all paid £25 for the honour and felt rather short changed. At least we all clubbed towards his phone bill for the duration of his tour.

Monday, 25 October 2010

Tim, don't do it!

If you fancy a good cringe keep your eyes out for the new Giovanni Rana pasta ad featuring a certain Mr Tim Lovejoy. I was actually recoiling in horror and embarrassment as the ad played out before my eyes – is this supposed to be a joke….oh dear god no, it’s completely serious. Not only is the set up completely unrealistic and squirm inducing, neither Tim or ‘Sophia’ can act to save their lives – you’d think someone would have told them. It just screams of insincerity and well general lameness – stick to presenting Tim, or at least go to a few acting classes.

I dare you to watch this without feeling a little queasy, especially as Tim cockily declares ‘she’s here’ to Sophia’s ‘what time is she coming?’ yuk yuk yuk.


Thursday, 21 October 2010

Notes from a small island

Well what a rollercoaster of a few days we have had; the privilege of being able to share our passion for the joined up brand, the giggliest client dinner probably of our careers and the chance to rub shoulders, share ideas and talk about our business with some really rather influential people.

What inspired us:
The knowledge that standing up on stage and presenting a masterclass is not only not scary, but a fantastic, exhilarating experience. Our audience were really buying into our message and we had tons of positive feedback. We felt especially proud that we could draw on all our examples of what we do at Woodreed to practise what we preach. Bring on the next one.

The presentation style of Leo Johnson (the far less daft, better looking version of Boris and, yes, I did tell him that!) plus his obvious passion and knowledge on the issue of sustainability.

The warmth and hospitality, sense of humour and general all round gorgeousness of our ABTA clients.

The chance to sit in summer clothes for one final day of 2010 while England begins to wrap up in coats and gloves (we’ll be feeling your pain tomorrow!)

Being thanked by Virgin Atlantic who came to our masterclass to tell us to tell us how delighted they were we had featured their brand.

Managing not to have a hangover before our presentation, despite enjoying a 4 course 4 hour dinner the night before (alas, so grown up)

A sense of zeitgeist in our proposition, evidenced by learning that in the travel industry building brand cultures internally is becoming increasingly important, as service becomes the only differentiator.

What we thought was dire:
That gender is STILL an issue in business as evidenced by a panel discussion ironically based on 'Loose Women' comprising 5 men and one token female and the female MD not given the chance to discuss anything much except for what it’s like to be a woman in business. But that's it really, everything else rocked.

So bad it's good ?!?

Had it not been for the fact that a friend works on the show I would probably never have tuned in to the launch of The Only Way Is Essex (who am I trying to kid, of course I would!)

After putting in the initial hour I already feel like it's got me for the long haul. But at the end of each episode I am left with the same thought - is this just insultingly BAD or is it so bad it's good. It's certainly got people talking! Even their catchphrases (Shu'uup!) are finding their way in to everyday conversation.

So yes, everyone is talking about it and no, not much of that talk is positive but don't they say no publicity is bad publicity? Was that the idea perhaps- to make something so bad you can be sure it will be talked about? Who knows, but I for one will be tuning in to see what those glittery, orange wonders get up to next!

And for those who, like me, are already hooked - my man on the inside tells me episode 5 is a cracker!

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Please don't interrupt me!!!!

I'm getting so fed up and cross with the abundance of unwanted pop up windows now appearing on the internet.

When I'm accessing a chosen website, I am now interrupted by the appearance of an anonymous pop up window which usually compromises of some ridiculous and inappropriate advertisement.

Now given that already I'm cross because I'm reading something that I don't want to, I then have spend time looking for a little cross or cancel button to get rid of it!

But it gets worse. Now we have pop up windows with no crosses on at all, so there's now the added frustration of never being able to see the original website.

And whilst I scramble round trying to find the appropriate cancel mechanism in a state of complete panic, I accidentally cancel the website I was trying to access!

But guess what? The pop up is still there!

Monday, 18 October 2010

I feel I must be getting old and need to join the.........

Grumpy Old Women!!!!!!

Please can somebody explain to me why is it that on a Weekend, at the moment, there are always lots and lots of cyclists on the roads ??? Not just the one cyclist dotted about (of which I have no problem with) but it appears that they are on mass at the moment - both male and female groups of them - everywhere!!!!!

I understand they are just trying to enjoy the last of our good weather before winter finally sets in, but when you are met with a wall of them across the road and mainly men with their Tour De France gear on complete with the sunglasses effect (not sure why they were all wearing them this weekend as there wasn't much of that warm yellow object in the sky) maybe that was their excuse as to why they didn't appear to realise that there is other traffic on our roads and Sundays are not just about cyclists. They can't seem to be able to move over to let you past, they just carry on chatting away to each other oblivious to the world around them or maybe they're all so engrossed discussing the previous night's episode of X-Factor and who they will be voting off when they get in....

Anyway if anyone reading this, recognises themselves in the above description (well maybe not the X-Factor part) please remember all of the other road users who are out and about, because the rain will be coming soon and I may not happen to see that rather large puddle that has formed across the road I'm driving along.................


Friday, 15 October 2010

The cure for the common blog

So I guess first of all, welcome to our new audience. Up until this week we've blogged for our eyes only. So now it's my turn again - but this time with the eyes of the cyber world upon me. It's the difference between singing your heart out in the shower or behind the wheel in the fast lane and taking centre stage at the karaoke bar.

Now our Woodreed blog is open to the outside world will it change the way we blog and what we blog about?

Can I, for example, talk about the sublime scene in this week's Mad Men where Peggy called the bluff of her abrasive new art director and they found themselves stark naked brainstorming new creative concepts for Vicks? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdKSDqo9FaU Can I ponder whether that approach would ever see the light of day at Woodreed - Jodie and Dave any thoughts? Or would I be venturing perilously close to employee litigation? On second thoughts......

Or could I dare comment upon the wannabee creative from the same episode who'd hopefully recycled one tired and hackneyed line across endless ads in his book: The cure for the common bank, the cure for the common chair, the cure for the common beer ... What agency would ever do such a thing?

Or should I be more business like and simply muse about how I'll be feeling this time next week? Once Charlotte and I have presented our masterclass on the power of brand as a tool for employee engagement to 200 delegates at The Travel Convention in Malta? What's really excited me putting that together with Charlotte has been the power of our presentation. It really is the culmination of so much great insight and experience - so will we inspire or will we be ....?

I'll let you know next week.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

A pack of lies

I haven't felt the need to offload my frustrations on this blog until now! I'm going to make this quick otherwise my blood will boil and I'll work myself up into a frenzy, which will result in giving my Creative Director palpitations. Bless him!

Ready? Products that don't work.

GGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. False promises and big claims lead to disappointment, and me, going out with a very large spot on my face, so big it has its own personality! There are so many spot treatments on the shelves that promise to rapidly reduce swelling which is a blatant lie. Read the oxy promise on its packaging. It clearly states 'vanishing' which in my opinion is misleading. But we still buy these products. Why? Can someone please enlighten me?

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Just do it....

It’s lovely when you spot a campaign that is so in tune with a brand’s essence. It’s lovely for it not to be awash with product, product, product. It’s lovely seeing it executed so simply (we’ll overlook the heavy retouching), yet for it to still evoke the very essence of the brand and the reaction it’s begging for…makes me want to get my trainers on and just head East (well nearly…)

Monday, 11 October 2010

Speaking the right language

Now there’s not a lot of things that can make me burst out into hysterical laughter on a Monday night but the genius and utterly brilliant Inbetweeners on E4 is one of them. For those who don’t know the show revolves around 4 boys enduring the angst, embarrassment and awkwardness that are the latter teenage years. From Will’s witty retorts to every gruelling put down, Neil’s perpetual dimness, Simon’s complete inadequacy at everything and Jay’s barrage of exaggerations, lies and apparent nymphomania, it really is pure gold.

I believe its utter brilliance is borne out of the fact that it is, well, spot on. My husband and friends love it, the buzz around facebook before and after each episode says it all – it strikes a cord with all of us. Though sure, a bit exaggerated at times, it does depict the way the guys I went to school/college talk, behaved and communicated. The constant put downs, vulgar innuendos and never ending teasing about each others mums, it’s perfectly observed. They’ve nailed their target audience and consequently landed themselves a winner. A brilliant example of how understanding and engaging with your audience can establish a loyal, enthusiastic and devoted fan-base.

I can bet though that my mum, nan and many other people I know just wouldn’t get it and would think it was most probably ghastly, disgusting and nothing but darn right rude. Indeed you may be one of them. But that’s the joy of it.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

When Ads ring true.

It is rare that I see an ad that rings true. When I first saw the Foster ad ‘Good Call’ I laughed out load. A short while later I realised how true it is. I was at a party one weekend which was fueled with good spirits and nice fluorescent makeup due to having been at Gay Pride all day! Like most parties there were a few unknown appearances. I soon found myself cornered with a genuinely nice guy who was a ‘space invader’. I started to get more annoyed as I backed away so much that I ran out of floor space and found the wall against my back! There was no immediate rescue for me as I looked around the room for a friend to read my eye signals to come and take me away. I then suddenly remembered the advert and started laugh. A truly good advert is one you can actually relate and bring it into really social situation.


Friday, 8 October 2010

Looking into the eyes of souls

Being the utter romantic I am, I treated my better half to a day of enlightening culture a couple of Saturdays ago, by taking her up to London as a treat for her birthday .

The trip involved a spectrum of creative visits including the awe-inspiring Applestore in Regent Street, Libertys (and other out of our price range retail venues), sandwiches in Trafalgar Square, an afternoon visit to the National Portrait Gallery, a nostalgic visit to our one time favourite restaurant in Soho when we were courting called Ketners (previously owned by Ronnie Scott's but now sadly a Pizza Express), and then finally to see the stage play of Rosemary's favourite book "Birdsong".

"The highlight of the day you ask?"

The National Portrait Gallery.

It wasn't just the fact that there was, in one place, an amazing collection of portraits from the early Tudor times right to up to the modern day, or the wide range of medium used (there was oils, watercolors, silk screen printing, photography, etching, pencil and ink amongst many others), but it was the sheer brilliance of how all the artists manage to capture the personality of each of their subject matter, so much so that when I actually looked into the eyes of some of them, I was overwhelmed with a sense of actually recognizing their character and sprit. Frightening.

Looking into the eyes of William Pitt, I was immediately aware of his arrogance, his autocratic (management) style , his sense of power, where as with Sir Francis Bacon I instantly recognized a vulnerable, helpless but belligerent soul. I almost felt sorry for him.

The power of pictures, the power of art, I'm so proud to be part of an industry where this is so important!

If you love "people watching", take a visit to the NPG, you will undoubtably be mesmerized for hours on end.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Brand of brothers

Is it just me or is politics super exciting these days?

It’s like a brilliantly cast soap opera with all the complexity of characterisation and glimpses into the human condition and foibles that you could ask for.

We began with the gripping expenses scandal that rocked the H’s of P, followed closely by the edge of your seat election results and the will he won’t he drama of Brown’s resignation. Even Queeny’s been on the scene and she only usually gets unfurled at Christmas these days. Just when I thought I couldn’t get enough of witnessing the burgeoning love affair between the double C’s (Cammy and Cleggy) along come the battle of the Millibands – joy joy joy. Oh what a brave new world we are in.

With my marketing head on, I have been equally as fascinated with how the two parties of the coalition have had to reposition themselves, adjust their messages and try to work out what they say and how to the electorate. Never been that bothered about door step campaigners until recently when a chirpy Lib Dem chappy came a knocking. All he wanted to do was canvas (pot holes, street light etc), all I wanted to do was to ask him how he was grappling with the new (sub?) brand that is LibCon / ConLib and if he thought Florence Cameron looked more like Dave or Sam (that bit was a joke)

Also, now Ed is in (was Ed David’s David or David’s Goliath? Hmm) how is he going to position himself and his party? Embrace brands and work the media a la Blair with an Alistair Campbell side kick in place like a media savvy Robin or eschew comme Brown and pay the price? What brand will he become and who will help him position it and what model will New new old Labour use? Ooooh just too exciting.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

It's all about teamwork!

So, it was that time of year again - G-day (aka Glastonbury tickets are on sale day)! Determined that I was not going to be beaten by the "your request has been placed in a queue" torment again I got in early. I was on the laptop hubby on phones.

8.50am and I was ready to go! Up came the "click here to place your deposit" page (10 minutes ahead of schedule). I couldn't believe my luck, "this is going to be a breeze" I thought. Turns out I wasn't the only one getting a head start.

1 hour later and I was STILL on the "oops! we cannot display this site" page from hell. I knew (although I wouldn't admit it out loud) that things were not looking good! About another hour in a call from my bro gave me a little ray of hope. They had a whole booking syndicate going so we got on board!

Nearly 4 hours after I first "clicked here", now armed with 5 strangers' registration details, I was back in a queue and going nowhere. But even with the remaining count dropping by the second I felt a million times better than I did that first hour. I knew I wasn't in it alone now. Then I got the call, a friend of a friend of my brother had confirmed our deposits!

So long story short, I'll be back at Worthy Farm in June but not without a good reminder of the power of teamwork! So it will be all hands on deck come the re-sale in June!

Monday, 4 October 2010

Your airline's either got it or it hasn't!!!

Has anyone seen the new Virgin Airline advert? I saw it last night and knew straight away it was for Virgin and I love it!!!! - The music used - Muse's version of "Feeling Good" fits the advert really well. It is said to be inspired by James Bond title themes and it sure does, men in tuxes, cocktails, cheeky dancing going through the body scanner and the winking golden eye was cleverly used. There is so much I could talk about and either what I was watching last night was either quite mundane or the Agency have done their job as I can recall so much information from the advert and would love to try out the experience with Virgin!!!! Was it worth the reported £6 million check it out and see what you think. I know who I'm going to fly with next time......... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hbib-A6NpW8

Friday, 1 October 2010

Laura Ashley on acid

Am I the only female in the south-east of England who cannot stand Cath Kidston? Truly?

I just don't get it.

It's twee, indulgent, soppy, wet, slushy, nauseatingly smug and just too simperingly girly for words. It's formulaic, unimaginative, derivative and girls you're being played for fools. Get some edge about you and have some individuality.

It's Laura Ashley on acid. And I hated that too, but I didn't have an outlet to rant on.

Do me a favour all you fans, dress yourselves from head to toe in CK, including the obligatory apron and wellies of course, take hold of the hands of your over-indulged, spoilt little fashion appendages (that's the offspring by the way) step into your CK wallpapered and accessorised kitchen and, bingo, with a bit of luck disappear from my view forever.